Friday, February 6, 2009

Tri-Loom Weaving

Thought I would share some picutres of a shawl done on my Tri-Loom. The yarn that I used was commercially spun wool. It took me roughly 10 hours start to finish to get this shawl done. I wanted it to be light and airy - so I didn't use a blucky yarn. The shawl that I have on the loom right now is a mohair/wool blend. I have been having a lot of difficuly bringing the yarn back over to the other side - so it is taking me a lot longer usual. Will try to get some pictures of the new shawl on the loom tomorrow.


  1. Very Nice. I have never woven anything...well, those silly potholders as a kid...does that count as weaving??!!

    Well, I found you, did you find me? Talk again soon, Joanne

  2. I would love to see the finished shawl.. It is beautiful.. Do you hand weave it or is there a loom?
